
Painting Plants Pt.3

This an update on the painting post I made a couple of weeks ago. The last one I painted was a larger piece that ended up taking months to create, so I wanted to work on smaller canvases. These are the ones I made in the last couple of weeks. A few things I’ve done while I was painting are listening to music, organizing my thoughts, and enjoying the alone time. For the second painting, I decided to listen to a podcast and lost track of time because of how immersed I was. Overall, this was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to work on another project sometime soon. Thanks for tuning in!

Must Haves for Gardening!

If you are interested in gardening, here are a few essential items you need to get started.

  1. “A garden rake usually gets its workout in the spring when you’re cultivating and prepping the soil in your vegetable garden. But it excels at other tasks, too, such as leveling mulch, scratching hard-packed soil to make it more porous or leveling soil before seeding a lawn. You can even use it to remove thatch or moss from your lawn”. -https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/must-have-garden-products/
True Temper Garden Rake

2. “The dual action head of this garden tiller features one side with three sturdy steel prongs for cultivating, breaking, loosening and deep tilling soil. On the other side, you’ll find a sharpened beveled edge that’s great for chopping and cutting roots. The heavy-duty steel head is completely welded onto the all-steel handle with comfort grip.”



As we are in the middle of the winter season, it isn’t the ideal situation for planting. Today we are here to suggest an alternative: Yoga! Yoga is a great way to get some exercise in while working on improving our mental health. Take a break from Netflix and join us on zoom on Monday, January 18th @3pm. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Instagram @letusbreathe.bsge for more updates!

Painting Plants Pt. 2

Instead of painting on small canvases like last time, I’ve experimented with larger canvases which decorate the space nicely and incorporates a sense of nature into your room without actually buying a single plant.

I feel like this will really benefit people who want to put plants into their home, but cannot due to allergies, pets, etc. Don’t worry because painted plants bring the same energy and the best part is that you can customize it however you desire!

This is an acrylic paint piece that took about 4-5 months to finish (January 2020 to May 2020). It is a landscape painting with lots of trees and flowers along a sea.

Recently, I’ve started a new painting. It is a paint by numbers type of painting, which is also the painting above. It takes a lot of detail to paint these, so it takes a lot of time to see the final result. Therefore, I have been taking progress pictures and saving it on an album on my phone. I will be uploading these pictures soon once I have worked on it a bit more!

Reminder: We have a yoga zoom session coming up on Monday, January 18th @3pm! We will be posting the link to it here and on our instagram so keep an eye out!

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