Release of “Take a Walk with ky” playlist

First off on our playlist series is the release of Kyana’s “Take a a Walk with ky” on Spotify. You can listen as you take a walk outside to get a breath of fresh air. Link:

Must Haves for Gardening!

If you are interested in gardening, here are a few essential items you need to get started. “A garden rake usually gets its workout in the spring when you’re cultivating and prepping the soil in your vegetable garden. But it excels at other tasks, too, such as leveling mulch, scratching hard-packed soil to make itContinue reading “Must Haves for Gardening!”

Painting Plants Pt. 2

Instead of painting on small canvases like last time, I’ve experimented with larger canvases which decorate the space nicely and incorporates a sense of nature into your room without actually buying a single plant. I feel like this will really benefit people who want to put plants into their home, but cannot due to allergies,Continue reading “Painting Plants Pt. 2”

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